Resources and Further Help
Below are some books that I am personally recommending as wonderful resources to assist in healing yourself or your relationship.
These resources can enhance your counselling, or can be read separately if you don't yet feel quite ready to attend counselling. Taking steps to look after yourself, and find clarity will start to help you to feel better, and feel as though you are taking back control over your life.
Click on Book Cover to Purchase
Is Love Enough?
Are you in a toxic or unhappy relationship? Is love enough to stay in a relationship in which you feel this way? Do you feel anger and resentment towards your partner most of the time? In this book you will get a sense of sharing an experience with other women who totally understand how you feel and the choices you have made so far. You will gain knowledge on the difference between healthy and toxic love, and learn ways to improve the relationship you are in.
Below are some resources that may be useful.
Where to get help:-
- Text or call 1737 to talk to a counsellor at any time
- Lifeline Aotearoa, available 24/7 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354)
- Wakatipu Community Mental Health: (03) 441 0010
- Southland Mental Health 24/7: 0800 467 846
- Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757
- Youthline: 0800 376 633 or Text 234
- Healthline: 0800 611 116